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HomeCindale Farm
Cindale Farms, was founded in 1994 by Dale & Cindy Eade, who are first generation dairy farmers. Prior to formation of the farm, Dale was herd manager of a large dairy farm in Monticello, Florida.

Cindale Farms encompasses just under 500 acres with roughly 500 head of cattle, including youngstock which are raised on farm. It is a pasture-based dairy with milk jersey and jerseyholstein crossed cows.

Cindale Farm’s Creamery, Southern Craft Creamery, opened in 2012 specializing in smallbatch, artisan ice cream and bottled creamline milk.

The Eade’s daughter Meghan and her husband Brad run the day-to-day operations of the dairy farm, while Dale and Cindy run the creamery.

“I love being able to work alongside family and with cattle, while surrounded by Mother Nature,” Austin said. “Having the ability to do this, while creating a delicious food product for the general public, is truly fulfilling!”

She notes however, that running a dairy operation is no easy task. “It’s challenging” she said. “Balancing the needs of our cattle, land, and employees with the extremely slim margins provided by the profession make it really tough sometimes.”

But she emphasizes despite its difficulties the families care tremendously about the farm and the consumers they serve.

“We work our literal butts off to take care of our animals and land in order to provide our consumers with an amazing, affordable source of nutrition” she said.

Austin encourages consumers to get to know a dairy farmer, whether in person or through social media, to better understand the industry and help tell their story.

Follow Cindale Farms and Southern Craft Creamery on Facebook and Instagram (@cindalefarms & @southerncraftcreamery) and learn more about them at